RemiPCA SAFE Network
Quality assurance network for the safe application of Remifentanil PCA for labour
Current number of cases: 14343




Paper in IJOA

A. Melber et al.: 6-Year RemiPCA Audit

Editorial in Anaesthesia

Editorial by A. Melber

RemiPCA in The Lancet

LANCET Paper about RemiPCA


Remifentanil PCA for labour is a new method to ease labour pain. Remifentanil is a very short-acting, strong µ-opioid which is metabolized rapidly through non-specific tissue esterases in adults and new-borns. In obstetrics it is applied as "Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA)" Remifentanil, when epidural analgesia is not available, not possible or not wanted. However, it is not yet clear to what standards this method should be applied, as several different dosing regimens are presented in the literature. Meaningful empirical data regarding different application regimen can only be obtained if many applications are carried out and if they are documented and evaluated in a standardized manner. The same applies to the assessment of rare, serious adverse events associated with remifentanil PCA.

On this website, hospitals which offer or want to offer remifentanil PCA for labour will find information about the RemiPCA SAFE Network, a platform for standardised continuous quality management.

ATTENTION: Please refer to the SAOA Committee Statement on safe application of remifentanil PCA..


Safety Components


Current Results


Participating Hospitals


The Procedure




Take Part in the Network



Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions or need information about the standardized introduction of the remifentanil PCA in your hospital according to the guidelines of the RemiPCA SAFE Network.

Registry and User Platform

We maintain the components of the quality management platform, such as website, online questionnaire, database of the RemiPCA Registry and the RemiPCA Alert function. The RemiPCA Registry complies with the privacy and bio-registry requirements of the health authorities (CH, UK).

Continuous Process Improvement

The consistent and standardized recording of outcome data by all participating hospitals as well as the analysis of severe events (RemiPCA Alerts) form the basis for the continuous improvement of the application guidelines (SOP).

The participating hospitals are able to access their own data directly via the website and to carry out quality control at any time (hospital audit). The network operators carry out periodic evaluations of the overall data and inform all participating hospitals about the results, severe events and improvements of the standards (process audit).

This dynamic approach continuously optimizes "best practice" and promotes safety and quality of the procedure.


A training day on “Remifentanil PCA for labour” includes:

  • Lecture on “Remifentanil PCA for labour”;
  • Multidisciplinary round table meeting discussing questions and clarifying responsibilities of the different professional groups (obstetricians, midwifes, anaesthesiologists, neonatologists);
  • Information on “Off-label use”, data protection and informed consent of the parturient;
  • Structured instruction for midwives and physicians focused on the practical and safety aspects using the SOP of your hospital.

During the personal training day, we have the possibility to incorporate the equipment and the infrastructure of your hospital, which ensures an efficient launch on a high safety level.

The RemiPCA SAFE Network

The RemiPCA SAFE Network was launched on a private initiative and is under the patronage of the SAOA - Swiss Association of Obstetric Anaesthesia.

  • 2008


    Dr. David Hill presents the first regimen for the routine use of remifentanil PCA in labour at the OAA Annual Meeting in Belfast.

  • 2008/09

    Pilot projekt

    The first 40 patients in Switzerland at the Salem-Spital, Berne, receive remifentanil PCA based on the guideline of Dr David Hill including outcome control.

  • 2009

    Launch of the network with RemiPCA Registry

    Launch of remifentanil PCA as routine labour analgesia with a systematic and continous web-based outcome control via online questionnaire.

    3 hospitals join the RemiPCA SAFE Network.

  • 2011

    Professional web applikation

    Condesys Consulting develops as a sponsor the professional registry with login, advanced online questionnaire, database and live evaluation.

    Poster presentation and "Pick the Poster", OAA, Edinburgh, Scotland  (The launch of Remifentanil-PCA in labour in Switzerland combined with web based continuous quality control).

    10 hospitals join the RemiPCA SAFE Network.

  • 2012

    SAOA patronage and
    Poster at the WCA Buenos Aires

    The Swiss Association of Obstetric Anaesthesia (SAOA) takes over the patronage
    of the RemiPCA SAFE Network.

    Outcome data are presented at the
    World Congress of Anaesthesiology (WCA) in Buenos Aires

    12 hospitals join the RemiPCA SAFE Network.

  • 2014

    RemiPCA Alert funktion and
    Pro-Con diskussion at WCRAPT Cape Town

    The RemiPCA Alert function is developed to speed up and rise the awareness of serious incidents within the network.

    Pro-Con discussion is held about the routine use of remifentanil-PCA for labour at the World Congress of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy (WCRAPT) in Cape Town.

    23 hospitals join the RemiPCA SAFE Network.

  • 2016

    The network becomes international

    The network opens up to hospitals outside Switzerland with different application regimens. As a result, hospitals from Germany, Great Britain, Australia and Singapore join the network.

    35 hospitals join the RemiPCA SAFE Network.

  • 2017

    Networking meetings,
    OAA Grant for publication and
    financial support from SGAR and SAOA

    The network organizes the 1st International RemiPCA User Meeting during the OAA Annual Meeting in Brussels and the 1st International Expert and Opinion Leader Meeting during Euroanaesthesia in Geneva.

    The Obstetric Anesthetists' Association (OAA) supports the publication of network data with a grant.

    The Swiss Society for Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation (SGAR) and the SAOA are participating in the financing of the network.

    39 hospitals join the RemiPCA SAFE Network.

The RemiPCA Team

The RemiPCA Registry is under the patronage of the SAOA - Swiss Association of Obstetric Anaesthesia. The development and operation of the website and the RemiPCA registry are carried out by Condesys Consulting.

Dr. Andrea Anna Melber (MD)

Medical Director

SAOA Board Members

Expert Panel

Dr. Martin Huber (PhD)

Development and Operation

Main Sponsor

Condesys Consulting

Condesys Consulting


Financial Support




Contact us

For any questions about Remifentanil PCA send us your message to info[at]remipca.org.

Login password for newly participating hospitals

To obtain the login password for participation in the RemiPCA SAFE Network, please send us an E-mail with the following information:

  • Name, First Name
  • Function
  • Hospital
  • Street Address
  • ZIP Code, City
  • Country
  • Phone
  • E-Mail

We will provide you a specific login password for your hospital.